Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Review Format & Disclaimer

For reviews there will be three tiers for the scores that I will award. I will try not to be too brutal since most pop science docs are made for TV. Also theories and hypotheses are at best educated guesses so they should be taken as such, not hundred percent factual.

Tyrannosaurus Recs -> A solid recommendation. Science was interesting and entertaining.
Meh...sozoic -> Doesn't have much educational value but is entertaining or vice versa.
Extinct -> What were they thinking? Not worth your time.

*DISCLAIMER: Take these reviews with a grain of salt. I believe all filmmaking, even if its science television is subjective. A lot of stuff appeals to everyone and a lot doesn't, but when it comes to science docs I'm biased sometimes. Most of the time that I'm watching these shows I'm sitting back and relaxing at home. I'm trying to learn something new but sometimes I just want to be entertained. So if I don't like something, it's probably not be because I disagree with the science or don't understand it, it's just mundane. Maybe I just found the topic boring as some students in a science classroom can relate. Also I know dated documentaries present old ideas and facts that don't hold up. I really don't want to back pedal on my reviews when current science disproves what I'm watching so take those reviews as more of an entertainment viewing. Same thing goes with current docs, some theories are conflicting and the internet will tell you different things all the time like what dinosaurs had feathers or not for example. So I'm just going to judge a documentary for what it is when it was released and hope I learn something and that there's also some entertainment value. Thanks for hearing my out!

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