Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia

Synopsis: We follow in the footsteps of a Giganatosaurus and Argentinasaurus as they grow up in a desolate prehistoric world of predator and prey.
Viewed on: Dailymotion

I initially saw this in a theater at a science museum and it a a fun time especially because it was in 3D, not a fan most of the time but on that occasion is was well done. The narrator is Donald Sutherland and his voice lends a friendly yet regal delivery of the spoken science material. I especially loved the beginning when he narrates the timeline of our galaxy and how vast time on Earth really is. The visual guide showing me what he's talking really made me comprehend how far back deep time is. After that the next thing that will probably pop out for audiences is the cinematography. This film was shot for IMAX screens I presume so you can tell that a lot of shots were set up to be beautifully captured like waterfalls or the fossilized footprints in a quarry. Id say if you can watch this movie on big 4K TV you could really appreciate the the gorgeous cinematography of the Argentina badlands.

The story we follow is that of a Argentinasaurus and a Giganatosaurus. Technically the movie describes them later as a more distinct sub species but I'm just going to refer them as Argentinasaurus and Giganatosaurus. The Argentinasaurus story is kind of a "been there, done that" scenario. Typical sauropod story where the dinosaur must avoid being eaten and grow up fast enough to never be considered dinner again. The Giganatosaurus was more entertaining especially when they were hunting.

The animation effects were CG models superimposed on a real background so it is reminiscent of Walking with Dinosaurs if any readers is familiar with that series. The character models were for okay looking for a science feature, but still way better animated than the ones in March of the Dinosaurs. The real star of the show here are the grandiose wide shots of the natural background especially the ones with dinosaurs.

I wouldn't say that a typical dinosaur fan would learn all that much if that aren't familiar with the title dinosaurs already so be aware of that fact. The selling point here is the big screen replayability for anyone has a home theater at home. I'd say this dinosaur feature is worth a view if you haven't seen this one yet but for repeat viewings, watch on a high definition device and kickback with a brew.

My Score: Tyrannosaurs Recs

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