Monday, December 25, 2023

Keizer Ghidorah Evolution Pt.2


Bio Pt. 2:

Although King Ghidorah was defeated thousands of years ago, the damage was done and the Age of Monsters ended, fading to myth and legend. The decimation of various kaiju populations left many unable to recuperate like Godzilla and Anguirus’s kin. This loss in diversity caused disruptions in food chains across multiple ecosystems which in turn lead to more extinctions of other species.

Once the wounded King Ghidorah retreated into the vacuum of space, its alien DNA began to regenerate and mutate the body into something new. This painful inconvenience offended the dragon to such an extent, it now carries hatred towards Godzilla.

At the turn of the 21st century the three headed dragon returned as Kezier Ghidorah, having near doubled in size. New abilities included manipulating gravity, causing mental harm, and summoning lighting that seemingly burns the sky making the Keizer form a force that modern human technology cannot contend with. Keizer Ghidorah’s natural durability and ability to exploit gravity proved all nuclear assaults null. 

 After numerous failed military operations the city of Los Angeles was lost and San Diego was next. That is why on November 29, 2004 the President of the United States executed a mass evacuation order of the city where Keizer Ghidorah made landfall. Known today as the Battle of San Diego, the event was preceded by the president making a live TV announcement pleading urgency in rescue efforts as the allied forces of Godzilla, Anguirus, and Rodan were currently headed to confront the threat the world leader referred to as the “Planet Killer”.

Godzilla Evolution Universe Inspirations



  So this section is to explain some of my creative decisions. Basically Im a huge dinosaur and horror fan. Specifically a cosmic horror fan. I wanted a storyline that expands on the mysteries of the ancient past and deep space. What clicked for me one day during lockdown was being reminded of a certain show as a kid. That show being Land of the Lost. Cheesy kids show but it had a particularly ugly monster that scared the hell out of me. And what added to that fear is seeing a T.rex fall in battle to it. As much as T.rex is a scary predator, we as a society still like to root for the dinosaur. And when something so cool and big gets defeated by an unknowable repugnant enemy, that sends chills down my spine. Being a kid I was even scared to look at the toys. That core memory serves as a basis for my universe. Dinosaurs vs Lovecraft is the idea. 

    I wanted to make certain monsters seem all powerful and unknowable. And Ghidorah seemed like a perfect monster to give a cosmic horror twist. You do not need to know his motivations because it doesn't matter to you. Why is he here to destroy? He doesn't owe you an answer. Ghidorah does whatever it wants. and I wanted to create a version of him that invokes something that is part god and part monster. If you were to see this thing in real life, I wanted to invoke a feeling of complete dread. Your mind doesn't want to comprehend the horrors it is seeing.

    And when crafting the story of Ghidorah, I took some inspiration from the quote "Planting Trees Under Whose Shade You Do Not Expect To Sit" and another source... Dragonball Z. The long history of the tyrannical villain Frieza was a delight to watch. One of my favorite stories is that of Bardock, the father of the main character Goku. Without spoiling too much, the ending would lead into the eventual fight between Goku and Frieza. Multiple generations trying to defeat an all powerful enemy.

    Ghidorah may have caused several extinctions, but the Earth eventually produced monsters of its own that at last can fight back. Mother nature never stops evolving!

Keizer Ghidorah Evolution Pt. 1

Bio Pt. 1:

In the universe there exists a monster of inconceivable power. Known as Ghidorah, the dragon-like alien has three heads that act independently with their own vile personalities. During the Triassic period, 200 million years ago, a primitive Ghidorah visited Earth. Although smaller than Godzilla at the time, the wingless Triassic Ghidorah was an adept quadruped that used its beak and claws to hunt. On its first visit to Earth it indulged in an easy buffet which some paleontologists believe was the main cause of the Triassic extinction event. When finished with its destruction Ghidorah can summon an asteroid using its natural electric abilities, encasing itself within it and launching back into space in search of new worlds to feast on.

Eons later, what is known as the Cretaceous Ghidorah returned to Earth during the Late Cretaceous to feast once again. The asteroid it was traveling in this time was so massive it inadvertently started the extinction of the dinosaurs. This Ghidorah's newly evolved form was bigger than before, sporting new wings and becoming pseudo-immortal eliminating the need to breed. After devouring most of the remaining dinosaurs, it left Earth once again.

In the time of men and monsters an asteroid sunk the city of Atlantis, only for King Ghidorah to emerge and subsequently slaughter many of Earth’s monsters. Having evolved further, King Ghidorah could now conjure lightning storms to disrupt ecosystems and cause mass death akin to hawks lighting a forest on fire to force prey out of their homes. Whatever kaiju survived the initial onslaught would later fall ill or starve to death. 

Extinction of all kaiju at this time would have been all but inevitable if it weren’t for the mightiest and last known of the Godzilla’s duel with King Ghidorah, somehow resulting in victory and Ghidorah desperately fleeing. Throughout time as Ghidorah has wrought destruction upon numerous ancient civilizations they have referred to him as the “King of Terror”, as they feared speaking the cursed name Ghidorah would summon the god-like creature. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Godzilla Evolution Translation

 Godzilla{2003} | Wiki | Godzilla AminoFile:Acrocanthosaurus atokensis.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


    During the Paleogene, Acrocanthosaurus evolved into Gojirasaurus, a deadly ocean predator that arose after many generations adapting to their new marine environment. Usually on the hunt near the ocean’s surface, Acrocanthosaurus’ spines elongated to form sails to better navigate the world’s oceans. They developed extra sets of dorsal fins making them faster and more agile swimmers, and eventually, grew bones that protruded through their sail-like spines as defenses against rivals.
    Gojirasaurs also began swallowing radioactive rocks to aid in digestion and to fuel their colossal bodies. After meals, they would release excess radioactive heat from their dorsal fins to cool off. The nuclear heat even allowed the giant theropods to traverse environments with subfreezing temperatures.
    Gojirasaurus, however, weren’t the only giant fauna around in the Paleogene. Although Gojirasaurus were Earth’s most dominant predators, they were routinely challenged by Angilasaurus, Europe’s armored, terrestrial rulers. Their epic battles resulted in further adaptations to confront one another. Paleontologists believe that their eons-long rivalry resulted in Gojirasaurus utilizing its hands for combat to potentially flip and immobilize Angilasaurus.
     Millions of years later in the Neogene era, Gojirasaurus evolved into their current and most formidable form, Godzilla. After generations of swallowing radioactive rocks, Godzillas’ stomach changed chemically and physiologically, and thus now able to draw from the combustion in its stomach to produce its signature atomic breath. Unlike its earlier form, Gojirasaurus, Godzilla no longer had to release radioactive heat from its fins, now it could also fire it from its mouth for offense, creating an epic and awe-inspiring explosion. However, Godzilla only made use of this skill sparingly to avoid internal burns, making its true strength a mystery.
    Godzilla’s scales also evolved to be remarkably resilient and dense due to the species’ history of traversing the globe and fighting various - if not all - kaiju. This fact highlights the mystery of why Godzilla is the last of his kind. Paleontologists so far hypothesize some sort of cataclysmic event happened thousands of years ago, devastating the Godzilla population as well as others. Regardless of the circumstances, the supposed last Godzilla still reigns as top predator among Earth’s kaiju, leading to his famous title as “King of the Monsters”.

 Spanish: Biografía de Godzilla

    Durante el Paleógeno, el Acrocanthosaurus evolucionó hasta convertirse en el Gojirasaurus, un mortífero depredador oceánico que surgió tras muchas generaciones adaptándose a su nuevo entorno marino. Normalmente a la caza cerca de la superficie del océano, las espinas de los Acrocanthosaurus se alargaron para formar velas y navegar mejor por los océanos del mundo. Desarrollaron conjuntos adicionales de aletas dorsales que los hacían nadadores más rápidos y ágiles, y finalmente, les crecieron huesos que sobresalían a través de sus espinas en forma de vela como defensas contra sus rivales.
Los Gojirasaurios también empezaron a tragar rocas radiactivas para facilitar la digestión y alimentar sus colosales cuerpos. Después de comer, liberaban el exceso de calor radiactivo de sus aletas dorsales para refrescarse. El calor nuclear permitía incluso a los terópodos gigantes atravesar entornos con temperaturas bajo cero.
        Sin embargo, los Gojirasaurus no eran la única fauna gigante del Paleógeno. Aunque los Gojirasaurus eran los depredadores más dominantes de la tierra, se veían desafiados a menudo por los Angilasaurus, los gobernantes terrestres acorazados de Europa. Sus épicas batallas dieron lugar a nuevas adaptaciones para enfrentarse entre sí. Los paleontólogos creen que su rivalidad, que duró un largo periodo de tiempo, dio lugar a que el Gojirasaurus utilizara sus manos para el combate con el fin de voltear e inmovilizar al Angilasaurus.
        Millones de años más tarde, en el Neógeno, el Gojirasaurus evolucionó a su forma actual y más formidable, la cual es Godzilla. Tras generaciones de tragar rocas radiactivas, el estómago de Godzilla cambió química y fisiológicamente, por lo que ahora es capaz de aprovechar la combustión de su estómago para producir su característico aliento atómico. A diferencia de su forma anterior, el Gojirasaurus, Godzilla ya no tenía que liberar calor radiactivo de sus aletas, ahora también podía dispararlo desde su boca para ofender, creando una explosión épica e impresionante. Sin embargo, Godzilla sólo utilizaba esta habilidad con moderación para evitar quemaduras internas, por lo que su verdadera fuerza y poder es un misterio.
        Las escamas de Godzilla también evolucionaron para ser notablemente resistentes y densas debido a la historia de la especie de atravesar el globo y luchar contra varios -si no todo- kaiju. Este hecho pone de manifiesto el misterio de por qué Godzilla es el último de su especie. Hasta ahora, los paleontólogos plantean la hipótesis de que algún tipo de cataclismo ocurrió hace miles de años, devastando a la población de Godzilla y a otras. Independientemente de las circunstancias, el supuesto último Godzilla sigue reinando como máximo depredador entre los kaiju de la tierra, lo que le ha llevado a su famoso título de "Rey de los Monstruos".








Saturday, July 23, 2022

Anguirus Evolution Translation

Godzilla: All 12 Monster Allies (& Which Movies They Appeared In) Polacanthus, an armoured dinosaur from the Isle of Wight - DinoWight


     At the start of the Paleogene era, resources were scarce so the herbivorous Polacanthus evolved into the omnivorous Angilasaurus. To accommodate its new diet, Angilasaurus grew sharp teeth in order to tear and break down flesh and bone. Its carapace also became more flexible, allowing Angilasaurus to roll up into a defensive ball for protection and to move around. After generations of taking on this defensive stance, the original spikes on its back smoothed out and shortened to accommodate its new way of maneuvering around its environment.
    The tail also lost a considerable amount of osteoderms, adding to its flexibility when in the ball pose. Even with these changes, Angilasaurus’ tail remained a formidable defense against predators. The remaining osteoderms on the tail became light weight and thagomizer-like, creating the perfect weapon for close combat.
    Fossil evidence shows that Angilasaurus rivaled Gojirasaurus throughout their history. Although they were the rulers of Europe in their heyday, they were periodically threatened by the amphibious rulers of the time. Paleontologists believe this eons long rivalry was the catalyst for Angilasaurus evolving its flexible carapace to avoid potentially being flipped over by Gojirasaurus.
    In the Neogene era, Angilasaurus evolved into Anguirus with new traits such as a diamond-hard but flexible carapace. Like its distant relatives the Ankylosaurids, Anguirus went through convergent evolution to form a club that offered protection against potential predators like Godzilla. The adults have spiked clubs that can penetrate Godzilla’s hide and also launch regenerable barbs.
    Used as a last resort, Anguirus has the ability to open up the carapace and inhale more air into the lungs for a sonic roar attack. Anguirus’ sonic roar and remarkable endurance in combat comes from its giant lungs used to wear down prey and enemies in drawn out slug matches. Unfortunately all but one of the species perished thousands of years ago in what some paleontologists hypothesize to be some form of severe thunderstorms. Regardless, in the modern day, the tenacious Anguirus is recognized as the “Armored Brute”.

 Spanish: Biografía de Anguirus

    Al principio de la era Paleógena, los recursos eran escasos, por lo que el Polacanthus herbívoro evolucionó al Angilasaurus omnívoro. Para adaptarse a su nueva dieta, el Angilasaurus desarrolló dientes afilados para desgarrar carne y quebrar huesos. Su caparazón también se hizo más flexible, lo que permitió al Angilasaurus enrollarse en una bola defensiva para protegerse y desplazarse. Tras generaciones de adoptar esta postura defensiva, las púas originales de su espalda se suavizaron y acortaron para adaptarse a su nueva forma de maniobrar en su medio ambiente.
        La cola también ha perdido una cantidad considerable de osteodermos, lo que aumenta su flexibilidad cuando adopta la postura de bola. Incluso con estos cambios, la cola del Angilasaurus seguía siendo una formidable defensa contra los depredadores. Los osteodermos que quedaban en la cola se volvieron ligeros y con forma de thagomizer, creando el arma perfecta para el combate de cuerpo a cuerpo.
        Las pruebas fósiles muestran que el Angilasaurus rivalizó con el Gojirasaurus a lo largo de su historia. Aunque fueron los gobernantes de Europa en su época de esplendor, periódicamente se veían amenazados por los gobernantes anfibios de la época. Los paleontólogos creen que esta rivalidad de siglos fue el catalizador para que el Angilasaurus evolucionara su caparazón flexible para evitar ser potencialmente volteado por el Gojirasaurus.
        En el Neógeno, el Angilasaurus evolucionó hasta convertirse en Anguirus, con nuevos rasgos como un caparazón duro como el diamante pero flexible. Al igual que sus parientes lejanos los Anquilosaurios, Anguirus pasó por una evolución convergente para formar un garrote que ofrecía protección contra posibles depredadores como Godzilla. Los adultos tienen garrotes con púas que pueden penetrar la piel de Godzilla y también lanzan púas regenerables.
        Utilizado como último recurso, Anguirus tiene la capacidad de abrir el caparazón e inhalar más aire en los pulmones para un ataque de rugido sónico. El rugido sónico de Anguirus y su notable resistencia en combate se deben a sus gigantescos pulmones, que utilizan para desgastar a sus presas y enemigos en prolongados combates. Desgraciadamente, todas las especies, excepto una, perecieron hace miles de años en lo que algunos paleontólogos suponen que fue alguna forma de tormentas eléctricas muy severas. Independientemente de eso, en la actualidad, el tenaz Anguirus es reconocido como el "Bruto Armado".







最後の手段として、甲羅を開いて肺に空気を取り込み、ソニックローア攻撃を行うことができる。アンギラスのソニックローア攻撃と戦闘における驚異的な耐久性は、獲物や敵を消耗させ長時間にわたる戦闘を行うために使用される、その巨大な肺に由来する。残念ながら、古生物学者によると、一種を除くすべての種が数千年前に激しい雷雨のようなもので滅んでしまったそうだ。しかし、現代では、この粘り強いアンギラスは、「アーマード・ブルート 」として認識されている。

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Amazing Dinoworld: World of the Sea Monsters

 Synopsis: This episode of Amazing Dinoworld features a mother Mosasaur and other marine reptiles that swam in the oceans of the Cretaceous period.
Viewed on: HBO Max (Also available on CuriousityStream)

    The second episode of Amazing Dinoworld is World of the Sea Monsters. Starting right off with a bang, the episode begins with a Spinosaurus locked in a titanic battle with a giant marine reptile. Good way to get my attention. After the opening sequence, the second half of Amazing Dinoworld focuses mainly on the story of a mother Mosasaurus, the 13 meter long ruler of the Cretaceous oceans.

    World of the Sea Monsters really dives deep into the evolutionary history and remarkable rise of the Mosasaurs. The speed of the rise of the Mosasaur is quite unprecedented in the history of life. Their ancestors, the Protomosasaurus, evolved into the dominant oceanic predators of the Late Cretaceous in a span of around 20 million years which is fast for geologic time. The Protomosasaurus was a monitor lizard like creature closely related to snakes and other lizards. Like snakes Protomosasaurus (and Mosasaurs) can even open their jaws wide for gulping down food. 

    During the entire Amazing Dinoworld series, there are several interviews with paleontologists discussing their theories on animal behavior and I found the the Mosasaur behaviors the most fascinating. A paleontologist at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles shows us that fossil evidence implies that Mosasaurs had close parent-baby bonds. This type of bond is advantageous to all vertebrates, which helps showcase how Mosasaurs were so successful. 

    Just like The Feathered Revolution episode, World of the Sea Monsters delivers impeccable animation that really gives life to these amazing animals. Unfortunately, also like The Feathered Revolution, there can be melodramatic moments but I found those scenes in this half of the series a little less cheesy. Plus the creature fights were entertaining as hell to watch. World of the Sea Monsters and Amazing Dinoworld as a whole is just an awesome watch for dinosaur fans of any age. This series convinced to sign up for CuriousityStream haha.

My Score: Tyrannosaurs Recs

Amazing Dinoworld: The Feathered Revolution

Synopsis: We follow the life and adventures of dinosaurs like Deinocherus and Troodon as they grow and survive in a prehistoric world.
Viewed on: HBO Max (Also available on CuriousityStream)

    Apparently to my surprise, HBO Max has a two part documentary series on their platform called Amazing Dinoworld. This series is a japanese-american co-production by CuriousityStream with state of the art CGI that really took my back to those days of watching Walking with Dinosaurs on television. Although this series can overextend its reach about the science, it is nonetheless a fun thrill ride. Compared to other dinosaur documentaries that have come out in the past few years, Amazing Dinoworld makes it mark and stands out as one the new great dinosaur documentaries. 

    The first half of this series is called The Feathered Revolution which takes us through the lives of two feathered dinosaurs, Deinocheirus and Troodon, and how feathers possibly influenced their evolutionary histories. Deinocheirus (means horrible hand) is an omnivorous dinosaur with giant claws, and I was actually very intrigued by the new science of this animal. Fossils out of Mongolia show this creature is a T-rex sized animal that used its claws for finding food and for defense against predators like Tarbosaurus. Other fossils show a strong parental instinct was present in Deinocheirus based on sophisticated nests that became fossilized. 

    The other part of the episode focus on a mother Troodon. The story takes a drastic shift in locality because now we are in the Arctic. Its very interesting to see dinosaurs in snow since most people don't know they can adapt pretty well to the cold. Scientist begin to explain here that feathers probably influence certain evolutionary traits. For example, feathers kept dinosaurs warm which is believed to of helped Troodon fuel its big brain. Troodon has the biggest brain relative to body size amongst dinosaurs. Both Troodon's and Deinocheirus' feathers probably helped them incubate their eggs and allowed the animals to better nurture their young.

    The only negatives I noticed were the melodramatic story elements. I understand this is for the purposes of entertainment, but when a dinosaur documentary tries to pull at your heart strings like a Pixar movie would, it's just a little out of place for a speculative nature documentary. Now lets forget about all the science and the melodramatic story stuff, and just look at the CGI. The animation in this series in incredible, top notch! Honestly, Amazing Dinoworld has the best CGI of any dino doc of seen recently. Even amongst all the special limited engagement museum imax theaters, this documentary ranks up their in terms of visual quality. This viewing would be best seen on a big screen. If you want an updated Walking with Dinosaurs with scientifically accurate (but not perfect) dinos and reptiles, with CGI that that doesn't lag far behind Jurassic World, then this series if for you.

My Score: Tyrannosaurs Recs