Monday, December 25, 2023

Keizer Ghidorah Evolution Pt. 1

Bio Pt. 1:

In the universe there exists a monster of inconceivable power. Known as Ghidorah, the dragon-like alien has three heads that act independently with their own vile personalities. During the Triassic period, 200 million years ago, a primitive Ghidorah visited Earth. Although smaller than Godzilla at the time, the wingless Triassic Ghidorah was an adept quadruped that used its beak and claws to hunt. On its first visit to Earth it indulged in an easy buffet which some paleontologists believe was the main cause of the Triassic extinction event. When finished with its destruction Ghidorah can summon an asteroid using its natural electric abilities, encasing itself within it and launching back into space in search of new worlds to feast on.

Eons later, what is known as the Cretaceous Ghidorah returned to Earth during the Late Cretaceous to feast once again. The asteroid it was traveling in this time was so massive it inadvertently started the extinction of the dinosaurs. This Ghidorah's newly evolved form was bigger than before, sporting new wings and becoming pseudo-immortal eliminating the need to breed. After devouring most of the remaining dinosaurs, it left Earth once again.

In the time of men and monsters an asteroid sunk the city of Atlantis, only for King Ghidorah to emerge and subsequently slaughter many of Earth’s monsters. Having evolved further, King Ghidorah could now conjure lightning storms to disrupt ecosystems and cause mass death akin to hawks lighting a forest on fire to force prey out of their homes. Whatever kaiju survived the initial onslaught would later fall ill or starve to death. 

Extinction of all kaiju at this time would have been all but inevitable if it weren’t for the mightiest and last known of the Godzilla’s duel with King Ghidorah, somehow resulting in victory and Ghidorah desperately fleeing. Throughout time as Ghidorah has wrought destruction upon numerous ancient civilizations they have referred to him as the “King of Terror”, as they feared speaking the cursed name Ghidorah would summon the god-like creature. 

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