Monday, December 25, 2023

Godzilla Evolution Universe Inspirations



  So this section is to explain some of my creative decisions. Basically Im a huge dinosaur and horror fan. Specifically a cosmic horror fan. I wanted a storyline that expands on the mysteries of the ancient past and deep space. What clicked for me one day during lockdown was being reminded of a certain show as a kid. That show being Land of the Lost. Cheesy kids show but it had a particularly ugly monster that scared the hell out of me. And what added to that fear is seeing a T.rex fall in battle to it. As much as T.rex is a scary predator, we as a society still like to root for the dinosaur. And when something so cool and big gets defeated by an unknowable repugnant enemy, that sends chills down my spine. Being a kid I was even scared to look at the toys. That core memory serves as a basis for my universe. Dinosaurs vs Lovecraft is the idea. 

    I wanted to make certain monsters seem all powerful and unknowable. And Ghidorah seemed like a perfect monster to give a cosmic horror twist. You do not need to know his motivations because it doesn't matter to you. Why is he here to destroy? He doesn't owe you an answer. Ghidorah does whatever it wants. and I wanted to create a version of him that invokes something that is part god and part monster. If you were to see this thing in real life, I wanted to invoke a feeling of complete dread. Your mind doesn't want to comprehend the horrors it is seeing.

    And when crafting the story of Ghidorah, I took some inspiration from the quote "Planting Trees Under Whose Shade You Do Not Expect To Sit" and another source... Dragonball Z. The long history of the tyrannical villain Frieza was a delight to watch. One of my favorite stories is that of Bardock, the father of the main character Goku. Without spoiling too much, the ending would lead into the eventual fight between Goku and Frieza. Multiple generations trying to defeat an all powerful enemy.

    Ghidorah may have caused several extinctions, but the Earth eventually produced monsters of its own that at last can fight back. Mother nature never stops evolving!

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