Monday, December 25, 2023

Keizer Ghidorah Evolution Pt.2


Bio Pt. 2:

Although King Ghidorah was defeated thousands of years ago, the damage was done and the Age of Monsters ended, fading to myth and legend. The decimation of various kaiju populations left many unable to recuperate like Godzilla and Anguirus’s kin. This loss in diversity caused disruptions in food chains across multiple ecosystems which in turn lead to more extinctions of other species.

Once the wounded King Ghidorah retreated into the vacuum of space, its alien DNA began to regenerate and mutate the body into something new. This painful inconvenience offended the dragon to such an extent, it now carries hatred towards Godzilla.

At the turn of the 21st century the three headed dragon returned as Kezier Ghidorah, having near doubled in size. New abilities included manipulating gravity, causing mental harm, and summoning lighting that seemingly burns the sky making the Keizer form a force that modern human technology cannot contend with. Keizer Ghidorah’s natural durability and ability to exploit gravity proved all nuclear assaults null. 

 After numerous failed military operations the city of Los Angeles was lost and San Diego was next. That is why on November 29, 2004 the President of the United States executed a mass evacuation order of the city where Keizer Ghidorah made landfall. Known today as the Battle of San Diego, the event was preceded by the president making a live TV announcement pleading urgency in rescue efforts as the allied forces of Godzilla, Anguirus, and Rodan were currently headed to confront the threat the world leader referred to as the “Planet Killer”.

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