Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bizarre Dinosaurs

Synopsis: A documentary on that focuses on the more peculiar dinosaur.
Viewed on: Youtube

I believe it was National Geographic that originally aired this but not for certain. There a few videos on Youtube but most were weird and didn't air the last 15 min for me. But I've watched it before so i'll try to review the rest from memory.

Anyways, this documentary was better than I thought it would be. Thought it was only going to highlight famous dinosaurs like T-Rex and Stegosaurus but touched on relatively unknown dinosaurs like Armagasaurus. It went by quick enough and the animations, though terrible, were varied at least.

Again, I did like how the program showcased more weird dinosaurs than I was expecting. Highlighting a Spinosaurus, Carnotaurus, of course Tyrannosaurus, Armagasaurus and some ceratopscians was a pleasure to see and learn about.

For straight entertainment value id say this is a skip. But just to sit back, maybe have a brew, and be open learning a new thing or two about oddball dinosaurs you didn't know existed is where Id say this documentary's strength is.

My score: Meh...sozoic

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