Sunday, October 6, 2019

Monsters Resurrected: Bear Dog

Synopsis: This documentary miniseries explores the life history of  Amphicyon, the bear-dog.
Viewed on: Youtube

Monsters Resurrected was a cheesy pop science doc series that followed a formula of showing of the predatory features of the animals and showed the animals in a modern day setting chasing people. For what purpose was the budget spent doing the modern day scenes except for dramatic yet probably unintentionally cheesy reasons.

Anyways getting to the review. The Amphicyon or also known as bear-dog, is an unusually built animal with features from both canines and bears. Quite interesting animals, despite the name they aren't actually closely related to bears or dogs. They were an apex predator like we have never seen before. Although smaller in stature to its immediate competition, bear-dogs could stand on their own and possibly worked together to challenge bigger predators. The scenes where it was challenged by a Daeodon, an giant ugly carnivorous pig were cool to see but I also recognize that's just good TV; not that its unlikely the fights ever happened.

In terms of entertainment, this doc isn't the best in the series, nor is it that good in keeping your undivided attention. The editing is tedious, and you can really feel the stretch for time the producers made this episode with multiple reused animation shots and redundant unnecessary information like Amphicyon being part, bear, dog and even lion; it's called bear-dog we get it already its a weird.

It was nice seeing a full scale replica next to a person because it sold the intimidating size of the animal. It was fun to watch these scientist get in a good mood just to mention these animals so there is some good educational value here in predatory science. The scientists really do go into detail about how these animals lived and get really into the predatory characteristics which is fun to watch and listen too. I feel this episode hits a low bar, in terms editing, but in the delivery of the message, which is bear-dogs were scary, they accomplished their goal.

My score: Meh...sozoic

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